A Bend in the Road
Saying "Goodbye" to Wired Flare and "Hello" to New Adventures
If you're reading this, you've very likely been part of Wired Flare's journey over the past 8 years and are wondering why in the world I would decide it's time to close its doors.
You may or may not know that 3 years ago I moved with my family from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Fort Collins, Colorado when my husband got a job there. That move prompted what became a 3-year path of discovery. I spent a lot of time soul searching to explore the ways in which I most deeply want to use my gifts to serve the world.
I played. I rediscovered my love of theater. I made new friends. I volunteered in Africa. I also explored all the twists and turns that came up in my business journey. I launched a new brand. Then I changed it. I wrote and published a book. I spoke on stages in Canada and the US (and even in Africa, too). I spent hundreds of hours developing online trainings. I launched an e-commerce store. I did a lot that I loved and a fair bit that it turns out I didn't.
Most importantly...I finally "came out" as myself. I stopped hiding behind the company I had built and stepped out as me.
Frances Leary: entrepreneur, author, speaker, trainer, consultant, storyteller, conscious communicator, soulcial advocate, marketer, do-gooder, and so much more.
I came to realize that I no longer wanted to stay hidden behind Wired Flare. I wanted to do business as me. So I started doing that, and not only did it feel great...it worked. As Frances Leary, I generated a larger following, more traffic, more leads and more conversions in a shorter time than I ever had with Wired Flare.
I realized that being the CEO of Wired Flare isn't where I want to be. I want to be the CEO of Frances Leary and be free to go in any direction I choose with my life and my work.
After that discovery, the dilemma that remained was this: What should I do with Wired Flare?
Should I sell it? Should I hire a new CEO? Should I bring in a partner?
After a lot of time and consideration, I realized that I'd never be okay handing over what I had built. I would never feel comfortable trusting it to someone else.
So, as hard as it is to say goodbye to the brand that I have loved for the past 8 years, it's time to let it go.
My team will all stay in place and continue to serve our clients just as they have been, and new clients will be served by a new brand.
So, this time is both a time for goodbye and for hello.
Goodbye to a brand that I have loved and which has served so many. And goodbye to hiding myself behind that brand.
Hello to stepping out as 100% me. Hello to new opportunities and successes. Hello to continued relationships and to new ones.
Thank you for walking with me as I approach this bend in the road. I look forward to staying connected as we journey together.
To you I say...Hello!